Projecting vs. Reacting


Most businesses continually scramble to react to what’s happening — and that’s what keeps them from getting ahead. When you want to be ahead of competitors, you need to do more than just keep up with the possibilities, you need to lead. This truth is at the heart of the Projector approach. We bring foresight and innovation to help clients discover new possibilities and find a competitive advantage. It’s all about projecting what’s possible.

Audi interactive sign

Audi interactive sign

Audi Showroom Interactive

from tracylocke and audi of america

Using a combination of touchscreens, 3D animation and facial recognition technology, Glen Day, working as TracyLocke Creative Director, helped develop and build out an innovative in-dealership experience that brought prospective buyers deeply into the Audi advantages they wouldn’t see on a test drive.

GeoFence + Look Back

GeoFence + Look Back

GeoFencing + Look Back

From Colorado Publishing company

By combining geo-fencing with the ability to take a 6-month look back at the devices in the geofenced zone, Glen was able to help clients of Colorado Publishing Company hyper-target their audiences and ramp up trackable data beyond clicks to include actual foot traffic of audience members.


Projecting a brand

New communication tools have exponentially increased the possibilities in brand marketing, lead generation, outreach, promotions, and CRM. It’s still important to deliver a consistent message in a memorable way,  but now finding the right mix of channels is a lot more nuanced than merely picking the ad spaces you want to use across broadcast, print and digital channels. Projector carefully reviews your needs and opportunities, then helps project your message in the best possible way to the exactly the right audience.

Projecting efficiently

It used to be that trying to get your message to hit the right audience was like trying to shoot a missile using a gun. You’d aim the best you could then fire a whole lot of shots. It’s not that way anymore. We can now see exactly where your audience is and reach out to them at key times and places. You can contact them across all manner of screens with information that’s relevant and of interest. Projector helps combine the strength of tools like geofencing and Device ID targeting not only to reach your audience but to be in perfect sync with them.


Projecting to the right place

The old goal of advertising was to win the commercial break — to have the one ad remembered from the 10 or so viewed. As media have allowed deeper engagement, the goal of the ad has changed too. While it’s still important to project a memorable message, now Projector can help you to laser-focus your message to reach exactly the right audience with a precise message at just the right time and place to drive specific action.

Projecting measurably

The Projector team maximizes the benefits of data. We use it to determine your audience and understand the precise kind of engagement that motivates them to act. We use data to pinpoint the right media mix and timing. We use then follow up with more data to measure the effectiveness of your communications, optimize your messaging and media mix, and we continually work to make your messaging more and more effective.


The Pro in Projector

Marco Hernandez - Art, design, creative direction

Marco Hernandez - Art, design, creative direction

Marco Hernandez

Marco Hernandez has been an art and creative director with numerous top Colorado Springs agencies including agencies of his own. Beyond just creative leadership, Marco has proven his ability to bring projects to their full potential through strong production and account/product management. He has a reputation for nurturing and building client relationships as well as collaborative partnerships.

Outside of Projector, Marco and his family enjoy life above the clouds in Woodland Park. Legend has it that Marco has tamed and trained a heard of Elk and a full-grown pet bear up there. So, you know, don’t mess with Marco.

Glen Day - Writing, strategy, creative direction

Glen Day - Writing, strategy, creative direction

Glen Day

Glen Day has been a writer, strategist and creative director with major agencies and brands for more than 25 years. Working with top teams across all media, Glen has brought in hundreds of International awards from Cannes, Webbys, Effies, Clios the Addys and more. Most importantly, the work that won those awards has helped Glen’s clients connect with audiences, drive action and achieve success.

Outside of Projector, Glen and his family are all about Colorado life: hiking, biking, skiing and taking in all their adopted Colorado Springs community has to offer. When not in the mountains, Glen is writing books that project the world we’ll live in tomorrow.